When someone you love decides they don’t want to be part of your life anymore and a sudden Goodbye forever takes place, it hurts, it spins the soul and heart round and round. It makes the mind chatter consistently. You miss them, you feel sadness and anger and pain. You go through cycles of presence and conditional patterns.
And you either shut down or open up to the world even more. That is a choice.
The mind might not get to understand why in a world where at any point in time we might die, we cut each other into pieces because we are human beings, because even though at the core our intention is not to hurt each other, we do. And we do again and again because we fear, we have been abused, bullied, abandoned and left to deal with life at an early age. And we are human beings, we shift, we learn, we grow if we decide that we want to. We grow all those parts of us that need to, that are frozen in time, we heal.
If I can leave the story aside and feel the immense love for those who decided to say Goodbye forever ( I would say until the next life), then so can others. And you feel all the rollercoaster of emotions and not react. No reaction or action is needed. You let the fantasies that grabbed you as a child, that the loved ones will come back with open arms because they see you as a human with flaws, they see you as a growing human with possibilities as infinite as the Universe, they see you and love you. They love you because the story matters only for the ego, the story teaches us and we learn together, in relationship.
So let the sadness be, let the missing flow and let the childlike fantasy that they will return dissipate and see what the Universe has in store for you.